Schiit is known for producing high-quality DACs and amplifiers, ranging from the gaming-focused Fulla to the higher-end Ragnarok that retails for $1,499. However, the California-based company may be in a pickle with some users reporting overheating to the point of smoke coming out of certain models. The latest incident happened to Reddit user /u/noserotonin who noticed a “strong chemical smell” coming out of his Schiit Modi 3 DAC while on his desk. He naturally had to shut down his whole system to ensure that the situation couldn’t get any worse.

Heading Straight to Warranty Support

Here’s how the problem started in his own words: To his luck, he was fortunate enough to discover the issue before more damage was dealt. Had this happened while he was away, there was no telling what could’ve happened to his setup. After some research, he discovered that another Schiit user on Reddit experienced a similar dilemma while his Modi 3 DAC was connected to a Magni 3 amplifier. This occurred in June 2019 while noserotonin’s problem happened earlier today.

Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire

Comments have since been building up on the Reddit thread, with one particular user sharing his own experience with a Schiit product: Until Schiit releases a public statement to address the current and past instances of its products overheating, anyone affected is advised to contact customer support directly, whether or not it’s within the warranty period. As of writing, the story is still developing with few other instances to speak of. Hopefully, this is the last we hear of them so we can avoid a widespread recall.

Certain Schiit Models Reportedly Overheat  Producing Smoke and Unpleasant Smell - 89Certain Schiit Models Reportedly Overheat  Producing Smoke and Unpleasant Smell - 55